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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt

News - P1 Miss McGuckin

2018/2019 School Year

14th Mar 2019
Miss Kennedy presented a lovely lesson today on the really important subject of...
12th Mar 2019
We have been recapping on our 2D shapes during ' maths topical time ' recently in...
8th Mar 2019
Once again the P1 children have embraced all opportunities during play-based learning...
8th Mar 2019
We had another special visitor in class recently in the form of Mrs Bradley (aka..Amelia's...
7th Mar 2019
World Book Day went down a treat in P1.  The fun and excitement could not be...
5th Mar 2019
We were not able to make our own pancakes today (Shrove Tuesday) because of various...
1st Mar 2019
In R.E. recently, the P1 crew have been learning about Jonah and The Whale, as well...
21st Feb 2019
During recent PDMU lessons, we were recapping on who we were and what was unique...
21st Feb 2019
The P1 boys and girls are enjoying getting used to the Bee-Bots and the programming...
13th Feb 2019
We had been talking recently about Chinese dragon dancing during the New Year celebrations....