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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt
St Patrick's Day Closure Just a reminder that school will be closed on Monday 17 March for St Patrick’s Day.
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The MPS Colour Run 2022 Was a HUGE success

22nd Jun 2022

Our colour run happened in school today (Wed 22nd June) and it was a HUGE success.
The P1-3 children went first and had lots of fun running and getting covered in the coloured dye. Then our P4-P7 children got their turn after break. Everyone had lots of fun and the school was certainly a very colourful place to be in today.

Thanks to all the parents and family members who sponsored the children for the event. There is still some money to come in, but our running total is £4,648.48, which is absolutely amazing! We will update you all on the final total when we have it all collected and counted.

Congratulations everyone and a huge thank-you to Activity NI for running this for us today. We might even have to make this an annual event…

Check out the photos of the day below: