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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt
St Patrick's Day Closure Just a reminder that school will be closed on Monday 17 March for St Patrick’s Day.
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Take 5 Champions

20th Oct 2022

Today in school our Take 5 Champions (School Council) gave a wonderful presentation to the whole school on what it means to take 5 steps to wellbeing. Please see the slides from this presentation below.

Chris Lindsay was here from the EAs Educational Welfare Service to present our Take 5 Champions with their badges and to hear their wonderful presentation. The badges help the children in school to know who they can go to to ask for help or if they need any Take 5 advice.

The Champions also announced that we are having a Take 5 poster competition this term. Details will follow on how to enter this soon! 

We are really proud to be a Take 5 Level 3 school and we are really proud of how well our Champions set this out for us today.