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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt

Swimming Starts Back next Week

30th Aug 2024
Swimming Starts Back Next Week! 

We're excited to announce that swimming lessons start again the week beginning Monday 2nd September 2024! Here are the details for each class:

- P5/6NH: Meet at the pool for 9am on Monday mornings.
- P5s from Mrs Doherty’s Class: Come to school as normal and you will be brought across to the pool for 9:30am by the school bus.
- P7SC: Meet at the pool for 9am on Friday mornings.
- P6JC: Come to school as normal and you will be brought across to the pool for 9:30am by the school bus.

Swimming costs £2 per week, payable through the School Money App. 

Please check your child's school bag for a note that has gone home today with all the details. 

Thank you!