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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt
St Patrick's Day Closure Just a reminder that school will be closed on Monday 17 March for St Patrick’s Day.
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School Motto Winner Announcment

12th May 2022

After a long and careful process we are delighted to announce the winner of the competition to find our school motto. 

Our new school motto will be:

Learn, Enjoy, Aspire

Our school council met on Wednesday 4 May to produce a shortlist of the best mottos from 121 entries.  Then Mr Somerville and Mrs Doherty had the very hard job of choosing the top 3 entries from the shortlist. 

The standard of entries was extremely high and we are very proud of all the children who entered the competition. It really was a very difficult job to choose the winner. 

We awarded the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes to the following pupils:

3rd place (£10 One 4 All voucher)- Rosie Leach (P7)

2nd Place (£20 One 4 All voucher) - Jessica Clinton (P6)

1st Place (£50 One 4 All voucher)- Sophie Henderson (P4)

Congratulations go to Sophie Henderson on her winning entry.

Take a look at the images below to see our new School Crest with our School Motto.