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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt

First Assembly with our New P1 Pupils

5th Sep 2024

This morning in school was a significant morning for our new P1 classes. This was the first occasion that our P1 pupils were able to come along to assembly. All the P2-P7 boys and girls gave them a really warm welcome and they had lots of fun singing our assembly song and doing the actions.

After that Rev Campbell, the new minister from St Swithin’s, spoke to all the boys and girls about Geese and how they fly in a V formation when migrating. The goose at the front is the one who has the hardest time because they are being hit with the strongest winds. To help this goose out all the other geese in the formation “Honk” as loud as they can to encourage the leader to keep going. We are just like this, we all need to encourage each other and to speak kind words to help our friends keep going. 

Thanks Rev Campbell for your words of encouragement this morning and we wish you well as you start your new role in St Swithin’s.