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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2022/2023 School Year

23rd Nov 2022
Please follow the link below for our November Newsletter:
21st Nov 2022
A short reminder that school will be closing early on Wednesday 23 November. All...
18th Nov 2022
P5/6 have been exploring the Northern Lights in our topic ‘Tourist Board’....
17th Nov 2022
Mr Somerville got to give out 2 more Golden Postcards today in assembly.  ...
17th Nov 2022
P4/5 led the school assembly today.  As it is Anti-Bullying Week we chose KINDNESS...
17th Nov 2022
We used our wonderful ICT skills to green screen ourselves and our art into poppy...
17th Nov 2022
Magherafelt Primary School are hosting a Parenting master class with Fiona Condren...
15th Nov 2022
Are you a parent of a child who is ready to start P1 in September 2023? Follow...
14th Nov 2022
We celebrated how unique we all are by wearing odd socks for Anti-bullying Week....
14th Nov 2022
Odd Socks Day marks the start of Anti-Bullying Week. Today we wore our odd...