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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2023/2024 School Year

8th Sep 2023
This week Primary 3 have been learning all about the important people who help us,...
6th Sep 2023
P1 had a lovely morning playing outside with their friends. We had fun on the trikes,...
6th Sep 2023
Our class is ready to meet our new pupils along with their parents for their "Stay...
5th Sep 2023
P1 have been exploring colours through play this week.
5th Sep 2023
The Primary 1 children have settled so well and made lots of new friends.
5th Sep 2023
Please see the poster below regarding the afterschool clubs that will be run by...
4th Sep 2023
We are updating our register for Classroom Assistant Emergency Cover for 2023/24...
4th Sep 2023
We are thrilled to announce that, thanks to the collective fundraising efforts for...