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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2023/2024 School Year

9th Oct 2023
Get Ready for the Big Work Out!  Hello Magherafelt Primary School Parents and...
6th Oct 2023
We have been learning all about the season of Autumn and we have also been doing...
6th Oct 2023
P5 had a great time pretending to be Stone Age cave artists.  We used charcoal...
6th Oct 2023
Primary 3 have been busy learning all about the lollipop people who help us cross...
6th Oct 2023
Primary 7 have spent the past few weeks designing some fantastic kites. These are...
5th Oct 2023
Today our class took Assembly in school. Our theme was saying “Thank you “....
5th Oct 2023
Dear Parents and Carers, regrettably, there is an ongoing issue with the gas system...
5th Oct 2023
Thank you to Amelia and Skye for beginning our sessions of Show & Tell today!...
5th Oct 2023
A huge congratulations to the first AR millionaires of Primary 7! They have worked...
5th Oct 2023
The P5/6 children have been busy in art. To make their Fairtrade African art they...