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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2023/2024 School Year

24th Oct 2023
Some of our Eco councillors kindly accepted a water barrel that was donated to our...
23rd Oct 2023
We love Monday mornings in Primary 3 because we get to catch up on what each other...
22nd Oct 2023
Lots of fun was had in P5/6 to celebrate Maths Day! The children’s class...
20th Oct 2023
Primary 3 had great fun finger painting hedgehogs and squirrels for our classroom...
20th Oct 2023
We have been learning about 2D shapes. Today we learnt about the artist Paul Klee....
20th Oct 2023
In P4 we were thinking all about autumn. We discussed the weather and the seasonal...
20th Oct 2023
Just a friendly reminder that Magherafelt PS will be closing early at 1pm from...
20th Oct 2023
20th Oct 2023
In assembly this week, Mr Somerville was delighted to award some golden postcards...
20th Oct 2023
We had such fun this week with lots of activities for Maths Week. On Wednesday all...