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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2023/2024 School Year

7th Nov 2023
This week we have been learning the c/k sound. We made colourful kites and then tested...
7th Nov 2023
Next week, from November 13th to 17th, we're all about spreading kindness during...
7th Nov 2023
One of our Primary 3 pupils brought in a birds nest they found for our class to explore! 
6th Nov 2023
The boys and girls in Primary 3 were delighted to be treated to a wonderful PE session...
6th Nov 2023
A big thank you to one of our pupils for bringing rice krispie buns into P3 today!...
27th Oct 2023
Congratulations to Hannah who won our pumpkin competition.  Here she is with...
27th Oct 2023
We loved melting chocolate and decorating our apples. A delicious treat and a lovely...
27th Oct 2023
Check out our autumn hedgehogs! We thought about what happens to the leaves in autumn....
27th Oct 2023
P1 Ed explored various vegetables for our harvest festival celebrations. We enjoyed...
27th Oct 2023
We had lots of fun decorating our pumpkins and I am sure you will agree that they...