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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2023/2024 School Year

12th Jan 2024
The P1 children have had a busy week and settled really well in to term 2. Written...
12th Jan 2024
Attention Mahgherafelt PS Parents!  Exciting News! Our January Newsletter...
12th Jan 2024
Our theme for this term is Superheroes ! Today we carried out part 1 of the...
11th Jan 2024
Today we had our first Show & Tell session of 2024! We enjoyed hearing all about...
11th Jan 2024
On Wednesday we were delighted to have Karen visit us to carry out a Nurture In 5...
11th Jan 2024
In art we were taking inspiration from the beautiful sunsets in Africa to make our...
10th Jan 2024
Today we were treated to a wonderful nurture in 5 session in the classroom. All of...
9th Jan 2024
Today Primary 3 explored purple mash & created their own dinosaur picture to...
9th Jan 2024
We were so excited to take a walk outside to explore the frost in our playground....
9th Jan 2024
P1RS loved their first P.E. session with MR Sports!