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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2023/2024 School Year

25th Jan 2024
P1 have been improving their ICT skills by using a computer and a mouse. We were...
25th Jan 2024
The Mathletics certificates are coming thick and fast!  Well done to our newest...
25th Jan 2024
Another birthday in our class.  Thank you for all the lovely sweets for everyone.
25th Jan 2024
P1 ED are continuing to learn about Polar regions and Winter weather. They made penguins...
24th Jan 2024
P2 made rice shakers during Play Based Learning, they used these shakers to have...
24th Jan 2024
As part of a recent PDMU lesson, Primary 3 thought about the idea of being part of...
24th Jan 2024
P5 have been learning all about the 5 food groups and how much of each we should...
24th Jan 2024
Congratulations to the P5s who received Mathletics certificates today.
23rd Jan 2024
P4 are becoming elephant experts as they continue to learn all about them in our...
23rd Jan 2024
Primary 7 spent some time creating an animation with the title "Story of Line". Some...