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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2023/2024 School Year

7th Feb 2024
Primary 3 have been revising odd & even numbers this week! They have listened...
7th Feb 2024
P2 have been enjoying practical Numeracy lessons recently to cover aspects of Measure...
7th Feb 2024
Our topic of 'Wheels, Wheels, Wheels' has come to an end with the children learning...
7th Feb 2024
Calling all parents and carers in Magherafelt Primary School! Stay in the loop...
6th Feb 2024
In P4 we were celebrating Safer Internet Day today. The theme this year is...
6th Feb 2024
As part of Safer Internet Day, Primary 3 discussed how we can have fun online but...
6th Feb 2024
Today is Safer Internet Day. We used our Superhero theme to create posters telling...
6th Feb 2024
Today, Tuesday 6 February, is Safer Internet Day. The children in each class will...
2nd Feb 2024
Due to Circumstances beyond our control Swimming has been cancelled for Monday 5...
2nd Feb 2024
More award winners in P5! Well done to all of you.