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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2023/2024 School Year

10th Feb 2024
Attention parents and carers!  Just a friendly reminder that Magherafelt PS...
9th Feb 2024
P1RS squeezed fresh lemons and added some sugary water to make lemonade. We absolutely...
9th Feb 2024
Primary 3 celebrated Valentine’s Day today by discussing how we can show love...
9th Feb 2024
We have crowned our first AR Word Millionaire in P4! We are so proud of her and...
9th Feb 2024
A huge thank you to members of the Gospel Hall in Bellaghy for bringing us on an...
8th Feb 2024
Due to circumstances beyond our control, swimming has been cancelled for Friday 9...
8th Feb 2024
This week P1 have done lots of activities linked to the letter l! We did a lion craft,...
8th Feb 2024
Primary 7 put their decimal knowledge to work in a fun game of Nasty Decimals. ...
8th Feb 2024
Another wonderful show & tell session took place in Primary 3 today! This pupil...
7th Feb 2024
P1 ED have been feeling the love this week and preparing for St. Valentine's Day....