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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2023/2024 School Year

4th Mar 2024
Well done to the Primary 3 February stars of the week! 
4th Mar 2024
A huge well done to one of our Primary 3 girls who placed 1st in a line dancing competition...
4th Mar 2024
Everyone has had a brilliant time on our first activity - Orienteering! We all got...
4th Mar 2024
Group 1 is on the bus and ready for an adventure! Woodhall here we come.
1st Mar 2024
Well done to our latest stars!
1st Mar 2024
P5 have been learning all about tessellation.  There were 2 activities ...
1st Mar 2024
P1 have been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly this week. We made our...
29th Feb 2024
This week P1 have been focusing on comparing objects that are short and long. We...
29th Feb 2024
Thank you to the two primary 3 girls for another wonderful Show & Tell session...
28th Feb 2024
Primary 3 have been revising number & today had the challenge of choosing a number...