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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2018/2019 School Year

7th Feb 2019
The play based learning during our ' Chinese New Year ' topic has been wonderful!...
6th Feb 2019
We were delighted to have Sophia's daddy Mr Liu and his friend Markus visit...
6th Feb 2019
P5/6 looking fantastic on Go Green Day.
6th Feb 2019
P5/6 have been exploring Northern Ireland's natural beauties. They have created...
5th Feb 2019
We celebrated Chinese New Year by making Chinese dragons!
3rd Feb 2019
Our current writing focus is PERSUASIVE WRITING.   To help us learn about...
3rd Feb 2019
Our theme this term is Superheroes.  Watch this space for all the wonderful...
3rd Feb 2019
We all wore something green on Friday to help raise funds for our Eco-Committee.
2nd Feb 2019
As you can see from these photographs we all made a tremendous effort and had great...
2nd Feb 2019