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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2023/2024 School Year

3rd May 2024
P3 were in for a perfectly timed treat earlier today! We noticed one of our caterpillars...
3rd May 2024
Primary 1 + 7 got to witness a racing pigeon being released in the playground this...
3rd May 2024
Today primary 7 used spring loaded motors to create a dragster from KNEX! Some very...
2nd May 2024
Take a look at our amazing work! We have painted our 3D printed models using acrylic...
2nd May 2024
As part of our farm topic, P1 have been learning about growing vegetables and seeds....
2nd May 2024
We used a method called  ’Crop and Chop’  to write poems...
1st May 2024
Some of our pupils were invited to Milesian Manor today to show off their World...
1st May 2024
This afternoon, our Take 5 ambassadors visited Hope Magherafelt. Hope is a local...
30th Apr 2024
P1 have enjoyed making tractors using junk art materials brought from home. We have...
30th Apr 2024
P1 have been focusing on adding over the past week. We have been doing lots of practical...