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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2021/2022 School Year

1st Sep 2021
We have had a fantastic few days in P3! It has been great welcoming back all these...
27th Aug 2021
P2’s star helper this week was George for helping all the children and the...
27th Aug 2021
P2 have had a wonderful time this week exploring and creating in the classroom. 
26th Aug 2021
Take a look at how great we looked on our first day of P4!
26th Aug 2021
It was lovely to be greeted by these smiling faces this morning. We spent some time...
26th Aug 2021
It was just lovely to see everyone back today.  Lots of lovely smiles and happy...
25th Aug 2021
We are really looking forward to welcoming back our P2-P7 pupils on Thursday 26th....