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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2021/2022 School Year

4th Oct 2021
Hollie had such a fantastic weekend with Rainbow. P2 really enjoyed listening to...
1st Oct 2021
We had great fun making days of the week wheels!
1st Oct 2021
This week in school, Mr Somerville was able to announce the school councillors for...
30th Sep 2021
Today SERVE Youth came into school to take every class for Assembly.
30th Sep 2021
Thank you to SERVE for our assembly today. We had great fun learning about Zacchaeus,...
30th Sep 2021
P3 absolutely loved our special assembly today with SERVE! We loved singing, listening...
30th Sep 2021
Thank you to SERVE for our special assembly. We sang, prayed, played games and learned...
29th Sep 2021
Today in numeracy we were investigating odd and even numbers. If all the animals...
29th Sep 2021
Well done to everyone who stood for election and huge congratulations to our school...
29th Sep 2021
P4/5 had such a wonderful time solving a Numeracy challenge we did it again this...