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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2023/2024 School Year

13th May 2024
P5/6 have been exploring the wok of Vincent Van Gogh. They are experimenting in different...
13th May 2024
Today P1 ED visited Kilronan School and used their soft play facilities. The children...
13th May 2024
Pat from NI Water visited our class today. He talked to us about all the ways we...
10th May 2024
We all really enjoyed wearing green to school today for Green Day!
10th May 2024
P1 ED have been enjoying playing in the Garden centre role play area. They have...
10th May 2024
We had a great day all dressed in green! This was to celebrate our Eco-Committee...
10th May 2024
P2 enjoyed wearing green to school today to help support our school's eco initiatives. ...
10th May 2024
To celebrate Green Day, P1 went on a walk to see how many green things they could...