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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2021/2022 School Year

12th Nov 2021
Advance Notice   We are very excited to be taking part in this Nothern...
11th Nov 2021
Lola Mae brought in her daddy's medal to Show and Tell on Remembrance Day. She explained...
11th Nov 2021
Today P2 learnt all about Remembrance Day. They enjoyed creating poppies during...
10th Nov 2021
P4 really enjoyed playing an addition game for homework! They chose someone at home...
10th Nov 2021
We had even more birthday treats this week. Thank you to our birthday girl for letting...
9th Nov 2021
We are really proud of our completed creations!
9th Nov 2021
There were many stages to creating our astronaut pictures. Take a look at us hard...
9th Nov 2021
P5 have been thinking about how we can achieve peace. We talked about the meaning...
8th Nov 2021
Many thanks to the birthday boy who treated P5 to yummy chocolate cake!
5th Nov 2021
This week P2 have been developing their thinking skills, movement, agility, speed,...