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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2023/2024 School Year

17th May 2024
All hands on deck in P3 as we weeded our flower bed and planted some seeds. We...
16th May 2024
An amazing day out at Woods Primary School at the Henry Brothers 5 a-side football...
16th May 2024
On Monday P2 had their very own tour guide, Donald took us on his bus for a trip...
16th May 2024
P3 took part in a lovely assembly this morning all about caterpillars and butterflies....
15th May 2024
For Wellness Wednesday this week we took part in an orienteering session. This linked...
14th May 2024
Today was the day P3 have been waiting for! We waved goodbye to our beautiful butterflies...
14th May 2024
Our class novel this term is Charlotte’s Web which has a pig called Wilbur...
14th May 2024
We were delighted to have another session with MR Sports on Monday. We played lots...
14th May 2024
In preparation for Sentinus Stem KNEX competition in June primary 7 used a spring...
13th May 2024
P1 ED enjoyed some games and fitness with "MR Sports" in the PE Hall. They enjoyed...