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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2021/2022 School Year

2nd Mar 2022
P2 have been working on their partner balances in gymnastics. 
2nd Mar 2022
P2 has lots of fun decorating their pancakes. 
1st Mar 2022
Today we cooked our own pancakes! Everyone got to flip their own and then we added...
1st Mar 2022
We enjoyed making pancakes today in P3! After following a recipe, we enjoyed eating...
1st Mar 2022
Just a short reminder about our World Book Day Dress up day and Parade happening...
1st Mar 2022
We love going out for our Daily Mile walk each day.  It is so good to get out...
1st Mar 2022
P4/5 have been studying angles this week.  We made an right angle finder so...
24th Feb 2022
We had fun making snowballs and seeing how far we could throw them!
24th Feb 2022
P3 carried out an investigation with our dinosaur ice eggs. We wanted to see how...
24th Feb 2022
P2 enjoyed making footprints in the snow and catching snowflakes on their tongues.