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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2021/2022 School Year

31st Mar 2022
In celebration of Spring, P2 have been making paper chain caterpillars. 
30th Mar 2022
As part of our iPad work we learnt how to use the Green Screen app.  This was...
30th Mar 2022
P4/5 had great fun planting sunflowers for Ukraine.  We hope to transplant...
28th Mar 2022
Please see the poster below for details of an online safety workshops which may...
27th Mar 2022
Watch our video to hear just one of the reasons we all love our Mummies!
25th Mar 2022
We loved wearing hats to school today for brain tumour research! 
25th Mar 2022
What an amazing day in school for Wear a Hat Day. Everyone made such a great...
25th Mar 2022
Take a look at our fantastic hats!
24th Mar 2022
We have been learning all about fractions. Today we put our skills to the test and...