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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


19th Sep 2024
Primary 2 have been very busy bees! We have been playing in our new extended playground,...
19th Sep 2024
P1RS have been learning the 's' sound this week! We had a lovely time in the sunshine...
18th Sep 2024
We took a step back in time to see what the Bridewell was like in the 1800s. 
18th Sep 2024
As part of our topic 'Once Upon a Time', P1 have been learning about nursery rhymes...
17th Sep 2024
Following on from looking at the Penny Black stamp, P5/6NH decided to design their...
17th Sep 2024
Congratulations to our first 2 Stars of the Week for P4/5
17th Sep 2024
P4/5 have been learning all about fossils - what they are and how they were formed....
16th Sep 2024
Our P3/4 pupils created wonderful self-portraits! They thought about their features...
16th Sep 2024
Here are the happy faces of our P3/4 class on their first day back to school!...
16th Sep 2024
P1RS have been learning about colours. We read the story 'Elmer' and made our own...