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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt

Back to School Update August 2021

20th Aug 2021

Just a short note to let parents know that the guidance from DENI arrived into school late on Wednesday evening.

We have developed a comprehensive plan to ensure a safe return to school for all. We will be able to communicate all this information to parents early next week.  

We are currently in a position to answer the following pressing questions:  

1. Will school bags and pencil cases be permitted? - YES!

2. Will the drop off/collection times be staggered? - Yes at least for September!

3. When will Wraparound Care be starting (Breakfast Club and Ruby Roos)? - On Tuesday 31st August

4. How do we book for Wraparound Care? - Details will follow in a letter early next week.

5. Will the online dinner money system be up and running? - Yes, details for how to sign up for this will follow early next week.