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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt
St Patrick's Day Closure Just a reminder that school will be closed on Monday 17 March for St Patrick’s Day.
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Assembly with Rev R McKee

10th Nov 2022

It was so lovely to have the Rev McKee in school to take assembly this morning.  He spoke about the Apostle Paul and inspired the children with the story of His life. 

We also had Steven from Sustrans in to talk to the children on our Ditch the Dark Day. He presented the very coveted Sustrans bear to the class with the highest percentage of of people who actively travelled to school today. It was a very close race, but our P1 class had won with an incredible 98% of the children actively travelling (walking scooting or cycling) into school this morning.

Our P1 children will now get to name the bear and they will also get to keep the bear in their class until the next sustrans challenge, where it will move to the class who wins it. 

We cant wait to hear what they decide to name it!