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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt

Assembly with Rev Curry - Thursday 12 January

12th Jan 2023

We had our First assembly of 2023 this morning and we were delighted to welcome the chairman of our Board of Governors Rev Curry in to speak to the children.

The Rev Curry gave an encouraging message about the new year being a fresh opportunity to be a good friend to those around us. He read us the story from Luke 10:38-42 of Mary and Martha being visited Jesus. In the story Martha is very busy and doesn’t spend time with Jesus. Mary instead sits and talks with Jesus. We should be like Mary in the story taking time with our friends.

Thank you, Rev Curry, for your encouraging message.

We also learnt a new song today called " Im going to jump up and down!" The children really loved it because it had lots of great actions Take a look at the video below.