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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2023/2024 School Year

11th Sep 2023
Primary 3 are busy learning all things throwing and catching in PE at the minute....
11th Sep 2023
In our math lessons, Primary 7 have been using Clixi to construct 3D shapes like...
11th Sep 2023
We love Mondays! We go to the pool in the bus for our swimming lessons.
8th Sep 2023
This term P2AC are learning about 'Houses and Homes' to kick start this topic a lot...
8th Sep 2023
During our visit to the Bridewell, Primary 7 had the opportunity to travel back in...
8th Sep 2023
On Thursday, we had the privilege of having the Chairman of our Board of Governors,...
8th Sep 2023
Everyone in P5 has been amazing since we have been back!  Mrs Doherty is so...
8th Sep 2023
A huge thank you to Hannah who brought in some cake for her birthday!  It was...
8th Sep 2023
Here we are on the first day of P6/7EH. 
8th Sep 2023
This week was very exciting in P1 because our new pupils came in to see their new...