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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2023/2024 School Year

13th Nov 2023
Today we came to school wearing odd socks to show we’re proud to be unique!...
13th Nov 2023
Today was the start of Anti-Bullying Week so we all wore odd socks to school. ...
13th Nov 2023
The Primary 1 children have been learning about how much they have changed and grown....
10th Nov 2023
Congratulations to the P7s who organised a fantastic fundraiser today.  Our...
10th Nov 2023
We had a winner in our class today - the nearest answer for the number of sweets. ...
10th Nov 2023
We took some time today to discuss Remembrance Day.  We looked at when it began,...
10th Nov 2023
P1 ED love using ICT to enhance their numeracy and counting skills. They are really...
10th Nov 2023
This week P1 have been learning a lovely poem called 'Little Poppy'. We used our...
10th Nov 2023
P1 ED have been learning about "Houses and Homes". We have been enjoying the story...
10th Nov 2023
An amazing day at our Charity with over £600 being raised for five different...