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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2023/2024 School Year

9th Jan 2024
P1RS loved their first P.E. session with MR Sports!
9th Jan 2024
Attention parents/carers: it's time to apply for a P1 place at our school! You can...
9th Jan 2024
Our new theme is Superheroes ! To get us started we are carrying out some research...
8th Jan 2024
Today Primary 7 were visited by both Magherafelt High School and Sperrin Integrated...
8th Jan 2024
A great way to start a Monday morning with a fun P.E. session with John from MR Sports.
5th Jan 2024
In P4 we are starting our new theme - Sensational Safari. In ICT we were thinking...
5th Jan 2024
Today Primary 3 took some time to think about their goals for the new year, both...
5th Jan 2024
A big happy birthday to one of our Primary 3 boys! Thank you for sharing a tasty...
5th Jan 2024
Well done to all the December stars of the week in Primary 3! 
4th Jan 2024
P1 were celebrating the New Year through play today. We created our own fireworks...