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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2023/2024 School Year

21st Mar 2024
On Thursday 7th March it was World Book Day. Our theme this year was “What...
21st Mar 2024
This term Niall from Pause Be came in to teach us Mindfulness. We learned how to...
21st Mar 2024
Reminder for Parents and Carers  Friday 22nd March: - Will be a non-uniform...
20th Mar 2024
P1 went for a beautiful walk to find signs of spring at Polepatrick Park. We were...
19th Mar 2024
Today in School we had our first performance of "A Hint of Snow White."  The...
19th Mar 2024
Congratulations to our first word millionaire in P5!!! Awesome achievement 
14th Mar 2024
Primary 3 are ready for Spring and have been completing lots of activities linked...
14th Mar 2024
Another great week for Show and Tell in Primary 3! One child brought a favourite...
13th Mar 2024
Some of our children may be interested in the following events which are being run...
13th Mar 2024
Reminder for Parents and Carers As we approach the last week of Term 2, here's...