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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2018/2019 School Year

9th Nov 2018
Recently in P1, the boys and girls had been involved in a lot of 2D shape activities!...
9th Nov 2018
We had great fun today during Show and Tell with our favourite Jungle Animals. Have...
9th Nov 2018
Megan read a beautiful poem to the whole school in assembly this week. It was called...
8th Nov 2018
We were finding out about the bones in the skeleton.Here we are designing our...
8th Nov 2018
P4 are delighted to be involved in the Shared Education project with the other primary...
8th Nov 2018
"You can make art out of junk" - Prove it.....   After collecting junk...
8th Nov 2018
We have been learning all about Mesolithic life as part of our Prove it theme.  Our...
8th Nov 2018
This term our writing focus is explanation writing. We used our knowledge from ‘Outside...
8th Nov 2018
Today we were learning about tens and units.