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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2019/2020 School Year

22nd Nov 2019
As part of road safety week and our P2/3 theme 'Helping Hands' we invited a local...
14th Nov 2019
On Wednesday Lynn from Baby Basics came to school to collect all the items we donated...
9th Nov 2019
As part of our RE topic of 'Creation' the children have been working in groups to...
5th Nov 2019
We really enjoyed watching M&M Theatre Company present Aladdin!
4th Nov 2019
Recently we said goodbye to lovely Sophia. The class miss her very much but we wish...
3rd Nov 2019
We made fun Halloween hats with important messages about firework safety. 
3rd Nov 2019
We had great fun creating our Jack-O-Lanterns. Some children chose to paint their...
27th Oct 2019
At the end of our first half term,  we celebrated Harvest. This gave the children...
18th Oct 2019
For the next few weeks P7MA will be learning the skill set for rugby through "Tag...
18th Oct 2019
P5 will be taking part in the IFA this term. Developing their skills in numerous...