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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2022/2023 School Year

11th Oct 2022
In structured play we each constructed a foam plane. Today we had great fun taking...
11th Oct 2022
P3 certainly got the blood pumping in PE with Activity NI this morning! We had numerous...
11th Oct 2022
Our sound for this week is 'oo'. So after our written activity we used Cheerios...
10th Oct 2022
Please see the poster below about some football camps happening over half term which...
9th Oct 2022
The P1 children are really enjoying our new outdoor play area.
7th Oct 2022
This is just a short reminder that Tempest Photography will be in next week ( Wednesday...
6th Oct 2022
Please see the poster below from Magherafelt Youth Centre which may be of some interest...
3rd Oct 2022
Here we are enjoying our PE lesson with MR Sports. 
3rd Oct 2022
We enjoyed singing our song about the Days of the week and then creating these wheels...
3rd Oct 2022
In Art we made our own jigsaws. We decorated them with our favourite toys and then...