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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2023/2024 School Year

15th Sep 2023
”We did WW1 art and had lots of fun doing it. These sunset paintings were created...
14th Sep 2023
14th Sep 2023
In Numeracy today, we were counting in 10’s! We sang counting in 10’s...
14th Sep 2023
Today we visualised and drew 3-D shapes from different angles. Working on this activity...
13th Sep 2023
P4 have been working hard to paint their self portraits. Their fantastic paintings...
13th Sep 2023
Today we went outside where we had so many fun activities linked to the letter s...
13th Sep 2023
Student presentations for the School Council/Eco Committee have been quite impressive....
12th Sep 2023
P1 were so excited to meet their P7 buddies last week. The P7 children will be looking...
12th Sep 2023
P1 have been busy doing lots of Humpty Dumpty activities linked to our topic 'Once...
12th Sep 2023
We love Tuesdays in Primary 3 because it is our outdoor play day! We have lots of...