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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2023/2024 School Year

19th Sep 2023
We held our School Council election today. We voted in a secret ballot in the hall....
18th Sep 2023
In class, some of our P5/6 children have been very busy delivering their speeches...
17th Sep 2023
Our P1's all started their school journey this week. They got off to a very positive...
15th Sep 2023
P5/6 have been busy creating some eye catching art! For our autumn trees the...
15th Sep 2023
All smiles from the boys and girls in p5/6 who are ready for another school year?
15th Sep 2023
Today P2AC had a very educational and hands on visit from a real-life bricklayer…our...
15th Sep 2023
As part of our theme of Prove It, we have been learning all about fossils. ...
15th Sep 2023
Congratulations to Bobby!  He is this week's Star of the Week
15th Sep 2023
We have been revising place value in our Numeracy sessions.  This week we made...
15th Sep 2023
Exciting News from Magherafelt Primary School!  In this week's Thursday...