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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2023/2024 School Year

17th Nov 2023
As part of Anti-Bullying Week, P1 have been thinking about ways to be kind to others....
17th Nov 2023
This week we started our new topic of 'Wheels, Wheels, Wheels', the children enjoyed...
17th Nov 2023
As part of our ‘toys’ topic, today the boys and girls in Primary 3 made...
16th Nov 2023
As part of anti-bullying week, Primary 3 have been looking at being kind and the...
16th Nov 2023
Another wonderful show and tell this week in Primary 3! Today we were treated to...
15th Nov 2023
School will be open as normal on Thursday 16 Nov, but we have a few areas that will...
14th Nov 2023
P1 have been learning about how to care for a baby so we were so excited to have...
13th Nov 2023
On Friday we were talking all about Remembrance Day and the meaning of the...
13th Nov 2023
Today we were wearing odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique in Anti-Bullying...
13th Nov 2023
We loved showing off our odd socks today to start anti-bullying week. We read a story...