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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2017/2018 School Year

10th Oct 2017
On National Poetry Day we learnt all about Haiku poems.  As we are reading...
10th Oct 2017
Practising our place value skills...
10th Oct 2017
Our task was -  Early Man Lived in Mountsandel - Prove it!  We worked...
10th Oct 2017
Our focus for this term is RECOUNT writing.  We carried out a group...
10th Oct 2017
We all voted recently in the School Council Elections.  Congratulations to...
10th Oct 2017
On Thursday 5th October our cross country team travelled to Tobermore to compete...
10th Oct 2017
On Friday 29th September we said good bye and best wishes to Fred, our...
6th Oct 2017
We were very happy to see Simone Magill who returned to school to visit the children. ...
6th Oct 2017
On Friday we made Stone Age people using pipe cleaners.  We even made weapons...
5th Oct 2017
Raising money for school without baking buns, buying ballots, completing quiz sheets...