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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2018/2019 School Year

23rd Jan 2019
We all enjoyed learning about Stranger Danger, how to stay safe on the roads and...
22nd Jan 2019
Our ' Children In Need ' donation jar was almost full recently, therefore we decided...
22nd Jan 2019
Our topic this term is People Who Help us. Today, a Policeman came to visit us in...
18th Jan 2019
We got creative and used our cutting skills to make Arctic landscapes. 
18th Jan 2019
Normally we try to eat quite healthily in P1, however on Friday afternoon we had...
16th Jan 2019
CHECK US OUT.....we are AMAZING boys and girls who are progressing so well at...
11th Jan 2019
We used our party balloons once again on Friday to carry out a ' little Science...
11th Jan 2019
We have started to look at 3D shapes. This week we have been looking at a Cube....
9th Jan 2019
We were using shapes to explore tessellation. 
9th Jan 2019
This term in P.E. sees the P1 boys and girls continue to learn and develop lots...