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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2018/2019 School Year

3rd May 2019
Our focus sound being 'J' led us to some investigation of Jelly.  We explored...
3rd May 2019
As part of our persuasive writing topic. P5/6 took part in a debating activity,...
1st May 2019
This week we began to think about what we may plant in our outdoor plot.  We...
18th Apr 2019
We enjoyed learning about 3D shapes, especially when we got to make them with sticky...
11th Apr 2019
The P1 crew had lots of fun on their Literacy based Easter egg hunt on Thursday....
11th Apr 2019
On Wednesday 10th April our hockey squad travelled to Stormont in Belfast to take...
10th Apr 2019
P3 used their gardening skills to plant some bulbs that will later go in our flower...
10th Apr 2019
The P1 crew just loved the farm themed Play Based Learning.  I could guess...
8th Apr 2019
Rachel, from Bryson Energy came into our class to tell us how we could be more energy...