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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2019/2020 School Year

16th Oct 2019
With the Rugby World Cup in full swing, we used it as inspiration for our Maths...
16th Oct 2019
We have been investigating proof of prehistoric life.  One of the ways we know...
16th Oct 2019
On Wednesday we had a day devoted to fun with Maths!  We spent the whole day...
16th Oct 2019
We celebrated National Poetry Day by having a pets theme!  We started off by...
16th Oct 2019
We held our annual School Council elections this week.  Well done to all who...
16th Oct 2019
Congratulations to our new class representatives! During the school elections they...
16th Oct 2019
We had great fun doing lots of practical activities for Maths Day! We spent the...
7th Oct 2019
As part of our Prove it! work we studied some examples of cave art and discussed...
4th Oct 2019
We are learning all about the senses in Outside In. We made fantastic posters to...
4th Oct 2019
After exploring Viking Longships in our theme of 'Raiders or Settlers', we were...