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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2020/2021 School Year

26th May 2021
We were so excited to watch a special video from the Ulster Orchestra today. ...
26th May 2021
We went for a walk to Polepatrick today in the sun.   We wanted to look...
24th May 2021
We used the balance scales to carry out more weight investigations.
24th May 2021
We worked in groups to explain all about how the life cycle of a frog works. ...
18th May 2021
Today in school, Mr Somerville was delighted to present Miss McAllen's P4 class...
14th May 2021
The P7’s are looking fantastic with their leaver hoodies. 
13th May 2021
The girls  have been continuing with their football skills coaching. ...
12th May 2021
We used balance scales to investigate whether objects were heavier or lighter than...
10th May 2021
Dear parents, I would be very grateful if you would read this letter regarding...
7th May 2021
The children have been busy planting some seeds in the hope that we will see some...