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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2021/2022 School Year

17th Sep 2021
We were so excited today to interview 2 very helpful people in our school as part...
16th Sep 2021
P4 completed a fun subtraction challenge! They had to decide which elephant owned...
16th Sep 2021
Our P3 girls had great fun practising their football skills on Wednesday!
16th Sep 2021
We really enjoy Golden Time on a Friday!
16th Sep 2021
P4/5 made some donuts on Wednesday!  They weren't real ones unfortunately,...
16th Sep 2021
The children really enjoyed playing ‘Kim’s Game’ as a great way...
15th Sep 2021
The Primary 1 children have settled well in their new school and classroom. ...
14th Sep 2021
Rev. Curry came in to take our first assembly of the year. He read from the Bible...
14th Sep 2021
Parents/Guardians, as you are aware, we made great use of the SeeSaw App during...
14th Sep 2021
We have been learning about homophones as part of our spelling focus. Using pictures...