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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2021/2022 School Year

29th Sep 2021
Great fun was had by all trying out the various instruments....
29th Sep 2021
We played a Fastest Finger First game as we used atlases for the first time. This...
28th Sep 2021
Please see the poster below from the EA about how to apply for Free School Meals...
27th Sep 2021
P5 have been exploring the different types of triangles and how they can be made....
24th Sep 2021
We held class elections to vote for our school councillors for this year. The candidates...
24th Sep 2021
This week P2 have been working very hard in their phonics and numeracy lessons....
24th Sep 2021
This week Activity NI helped us with our throwing and catching skills. 
24th Sep 2021
This week Rainbow got to go home with Freya. She has been so wonderful this week....
24th Sep 2021
P5 have been learning about the creation of the postage system during the Victorian...
24th Sep 2021
Today we were thinking about Autumn and the colours we see. We chose Autumn colours...