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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2021/2022 School Year

3rd Feb 2022
We had great fun making Superhero Pop Art!  Our display looks so colourful.
3rd Feb 2022
As part of our topic ‘Our Town’, P2 have been writing about places in...
2nd Feb 2022
P2 were working on their reaction time though ball games. 
2nd Feb 2022
Parents/Carers of P7 children are now required to make an online application for...
1st Feb 2022
P3 thought about shadows today. We considered what we needed to form a shadow...
27th Jan 2022
This week we were paleontologists! We carried out a yummy investigation; planning,...
19th Jan 2022
Today P4 tried to make people in our school smile by delivering a flower and a chocolate...
19th Jan 2022
Today P3 went on a 3D shape hunt around our school. We discovered that there are...
18th Jan 2022
P1 are having great fun celebrating birthdays!
17th Jan 2022
Friday Golden Time had a Superhero theme.  We had costumes to wear, books to...