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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


18th Sep 2024
As part of our topic 'Once Upon a Time', P1 have been learning about nursery rhymes...
17th Sep 2024
Following on from looking at the Penny Black stamp, P5/6NH decided to design their...
17th Sep 2024
Congratulations to our first 2 Stars of the Week for P4/5
17th Sep 2024
P4/5 have been learning all about fossils - what they are and how they were formed....
16th Sep 2024
Our P3/4 pupils created wonderful self-portraits! They thought about their features...
16th Sep 2024
Here are the happy faces of our P3/4 class on their first day back to school!...
16th Sep 2024
P1RS have been learning about colours. We read the story 'Elmer' and made our own...
16th Sep 2024
Well done to the latest star of the week in P5/6NH!
13th Sep 2024
The children have started P1 and they were all terrific. Everyone settled so well....
13th Sep 2024
Roald Dahl Day is celebrated annually on September 13th.  In P6C we were very...