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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


2023/2024 School Year

11th Jun 2024
In term 2, all of the children from P2AC took part in a Young Writers competition...
6th Jun 2024
P1-2 had an exciting visit from author and illustrator Paul Howard today. We became...
6th Jun 2024
This was the final week of 3D printer club and it was their hardest challenge yet!...
6th Jun 2024
P1 ED thoroughly enjoyed Sports Day. Their participation was excellent and they had...
6th Jun 2024
Brilliant Blitz today at Meadowbank with Coagh Primary School and Woods Primary School....
6th Jun 2024
We are blown away and incredibly proud of this P4 superstar! After already hitting...
6th Jun 2024
P5/6NA and P6EH had a wonderful sports day. 
5th Jun 2024
What a great time we had dancing along with Fitness Freddy. Love the dance moves,...
5th Jun 2024
Today we gave out medals and certificates to all our winners. Congratulations everyone!...