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Magherafelt Primary School, Magherafelt


4th Oct 2024
Mrs Stewart was so impressed with how helpful some of us were that she nominated...
4th Oct 2024
We used our knowledge of the Stone Age as well as our wonderful art skills to make...
4th Oct 2024
Thursday was election day for our new school council.  We had 3 candidates from...
4th Oct 2024
Mrs Palmer has been teaching us some sign language. It was great fun and we can’t...
4th Oct 2024
Well done to our wonderful P5/6NH star of the week!
4th Oct 2024
P1 ED have been thoroughly enjoying our PE sessions in the PE hall. They love their...
4th Oct 2024
P1RS have been learning the 't' sound this week. P1 learnt the nursery rhyme 'I'm...
4th Oct 2024
Exciting News! We are hosting "The Big Workout" Fundraiser on Wednesday, Oct 9th,...
3rd Oct 2024
Today P5/6NH made their own ‘right angle finder’ and used these to find...
3rd Oct 2024
The boys and girls in P5/6NH were very excited to vote for our school council representatives...